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Going Beyond Money

October 08, 20233 min read

“While money is undoubtedly a valuable resource, our dreams often encompass more than just material wealth."

In today's world, the concept of manifesting has gained significant traction. People are eager to turn their dreams into reality, and many believe that focusing on manifesting money is the key to achieving their goals. While financial abundance is undoubtedly important for pursuing our dreams, it's crucial to recognize that the journey to manifesting our dreams goes far beyond mere monetary goals. In this blog post, we'll explore why exclusively fixating on manifesting money can leave us stuck and how embracing a more holistic approach can bring us closer to our aspirations.

Beyond Money

The Money Obsession: A Common Pitfall

In the quest for manifesting dreams, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of financial abundance. After all, money provides access to resources, opportunities, and experiences that can make our dreams feel tangible. But herein lies the problem: when we focus solely on money, we risk becoming tunnel-visioned. We may lose sight of the bigger picture and limit ourselves to a singular path towards our dreams.

The Holistic Approach: Dreams Beyond Dollars

While money is undoubtedly a valuable resource, our dreams often encompass more than just material wealth. Dreams encompass our passions, purpose, relationships, and personal growth. They are a reflection of who we want to become and how we want to contribute to the world.

Instead of fixating on money, it's essential to expand our perspective and consider the various elements that make up our dreams. Ask yourself, "What does my dream truly entail beyond financial success?" Explore the deeper layers of your aspirations, such as personal fulfillment, creativity, love, and contribution to society.

Allowing Room for the Universe's Magic

Manifestation isn't just about making plans and working diligently towards them. It's also about surrendering some control and allowing the universe to work its magic. When we become too fixated on money, we may inadvertently block the flow of other valuable resources and opportunities that the universe wants to provide us.

Instead of trying to control every aspect of our journey, we can embrace a more fluid and open approach. This involves trusting the process, being patient, and remaining open to unexpected avenues that can lead us closer to our dreams.

The Power of Intention: How Would You Show Up?

To shift your focus from manifesting money to manifesting your dreams holistically, start by asking yourself a profound question: "How would I show up if this dream was already a reality?"

This question prompts you to embrace the core essence of your dream life. It inspires you to nurture the qualities and mindset that resonate with your aspirations, irrespective of your current circumstances. By authentically embodying the vision of your dream you naturally draw in the energy, opportunities, and resources required to manifest it.

While money is undoubtedly a crucial tool for pursuing our dreams, it's not the sole driver of our success. Manifestation involves a holistic approach that considers the multifaceted nature of our aspirations. By expanding our vision, embracing the unknown, and living in alignment with our dreams, we allow room for the universe to work its magic, paving the way for our deepest desires to come to life. So, dare to dream beyond dollars and witness the transformation that unfolds when you ask yourself, "How would I show up if this dream was a reality?"

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Athena Emert Gray is, an author and the visionary creator of a new revolutionary tool, D.R.E.A.M. Blueprint, that will help you to start living a life you love while building the path to your dreams.

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Athena Emert Gray

Athena Emert Gray is the visionary creator of a new revolutionary tool that will help start living a life you love while building the path to your dreams. Grab her free mini-course Beyond the Vision Board by visiting her website:

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